When will a presidential election NOT be the most important of our lifetime? That's the question John Darkow asked in his widely-reprinted... More
superman batman spiderman abu mosaab al zarqawi iraq war terror us army cia bush chase escape wanted middle east comic heros legends drunk
get_query_advanced() /home/cwdev/public_html/wp-content/plugins/cci/framework/model/class-cci-search.php line: 3932
'SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(*) As Records FROM dw_cci_search AS s WHERE (s.post_id IS NOT NULL) AND (s.language_id = 1 ) AND (( (s.post_title LIKE \'{bc9fba695a28c890ac45569e9481440fdaea79ab1c02f9dce0ce5c27e1706708}superman batman spiderman abu mosaab al zarqawi iraq war terror us army cia bush chase escape wanted middle east comic heros legends drunk{bc9fba695a28c890ac45569e9481440fdaea79ab1c02f9dce0ce5c27e1706708}\' ) OR (s.keywords LIKE \'{bc9fba695a28c890ac45569e9481440fdaea79ab1c02f9dce0ce5c27e1706708}superman batman spiderman abu mosaab al zarqawi iraq war terror us army cia bush chase escape wanted middle east comic heros legends drunk{bc9fba695a28c890ac45569e9481440fdaea79ab1c02f9dce0ce5c27e1706708}\' ) ))'
get_query_advanced() /home/cwdev/public_html/wp-content/plugins/cci/framework/model/class-cci-search.php line: 3932
'SELECT DISTINCT s.post_id, s.author_id, s.image_guid, s.image_id, s.artist_guid, s.artist_id, s.artist_slug, s.artist, s.post_title, s.pub_date, s.image_type_id as image_color_type_id, s.language_id, s.keywords, s.country, s.allowed_sites, s.file_name, s.format FROM dw_cci_search AS s WHERE (s.post_id IS NOT NULL) AND (s.language_id = 1 ) AND (( (s.post_title LIKE \'{bc9fba695a28c890ac45569e9481440fdaea79ab1c02f9dce0ce5c27e1706708}superman batman spiderman abu mosaab al zarqawi iraq war terror us army cia bush chase escape wanted middle east comic heros legends drunk{bc9fba695a28c890ac45569e9481440fdaea79ab1c02f9dce0ce5c27e1706708}\' ) OR (s.keywords LIKE \'{bc9fba695a28c890ac45569e9481440fdaea79ab1c02f9dce0ce5c27e1706708}superman batman spiderman abu mosaab al zarqawi iraq war terror us army cia bush chase escape wanted middle east comic heros legends drunk{bc9fba695a28c890ac45569e9481440fdaea79ab1c02f9dce0ce5c27e1706708}\' ) )) ORDER BY s.pub_date DESC, s.image_id DESC LIMIT 15;'