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Daryl Cagle

Daryl Cagle

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Opinions & Commentary
When will a presidential election NOT be the most important of our lifetime? That's the question John Darkow asked in his widely-reprinted cartoon this week about the upcoming election between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.... More
Here’s Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman slapping Uncle Sam around a bit, with the dismembered gauntlet/hand of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. It looks like Uncle Sam is just going to turn the other cheek.... More
Every year a big group of cartoonists from our syndicate meet up in France with cartoonists from around the world. This year 23 CagleCartoonists were there. The “Salon” at St. Just le Martel has become... More
Here’s president Trump shaking hands with Saudi Crown Prince bin Salman, who has blood on his hands for allegedly ordering the murder and dismemberment of Washington Post reporter Jamal Khashoggi. Trump has been quite chummy with... More
I was riveted to my TV all day yesterday. I thought Christine Blasie Ford and Kavanaugh were both believable. It is interesting that so many people talk about how this is a “he said, she... More
Last weekend I was at the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists convention in Sacramento. I’ve been going to this for more than 20 years and it is nice to see old cartoonist buddies. This first... More
The Republicans seem to be tone deaf about how they sound when they dismiss women’s sexual assault claims. “Tone deaf” and how things “sound” don’t translate well into editorial cartoons, which are all about how... More
Last week I got back from “The Line of Fire” conference in Mexico City, an editorial cartooning event put on by CartónClub. We’re hoping this will be the first of many annual conferences that CartónClub... More
I realize this cartoon is a bit ambiguous. Perhaps Trump is wrestling with China. Maybe Trump is “facing off” with China. Maybe there is something sexy going on with China that we can’t quite see.... More
I tell our cartoonists that if they draw urine in a cartoon, that editors won’t want to print it. Here I am, not following my own advice. I’m probably also inviting some angry mail. I... More
Most cartoonists take the weekend off – but a bunch of Cagle Cartoonist went to work on Saturday night to draw memorial John McCain cartoons. Here are my favorites that came in first … By... More
The media feeding frenzy grows as more Trump confidants “flip”! Maybe I’ll draw a follow up cartoon with blood in the water – no blood from Fox News, though; they may just deflate a little... More
No matter what garbage comes out each day, Trump just sweeps it under the patriotic rug so it becomes invisible to his supporters. I drew a similar cartoon some years ago, when I was angry... More
About Daryl Cagle
Sr. Editor/Owner of Cagle Cartoons, Inc.
Daryl Cagle is the publisher of and owner of Cagle Cartoons, Inc, which distributes editorial cartoons and columns to over 850 newspapers. See Daryl's blog at:, see his site at: get permission to reprint his cartoons at:
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