RUNNING OUT OF ROOM Image #: 9084 Artist: Parker Published: 8/31/2004 Title: Running Out of Room Palette: lineart Restrictions: None Purchase Reprint Licensing TAGS:OVERPOPULATION Similar Cartoons TRUE WORLD POPULATION crowd,world,overpopulation,population,earth,weight,world almanac LIVING PLANET REPORT Living planet, earth, sustainable development, overpopulation, extinction of species, pollution, tropical forest loss, world wide fund,WWF, saving earth CONTRACEPTION DEBATE the pill, contraception, womens rights, conservatives, rush, limbaugh, gop, war, sex, welfare, taxpayer, food stamps, overpopulation, babies, unplanned, pregnancy, family, planning 7 BILLION AND COUNTING global, population, overpopulation, births, people, earth, resources, depleted, environment, stork, baby, man, food, water, needs, human, world, energy 7 BILLION PEOPLE overpopulation, world population NATURAL AND UNNATURAL DISASTERS nautral, manmade, disaster, war, overpopulation, pollution, greenhouse, gas, global, warming, volcano, earthquake, flood, fire, typhoon, hurricane, tornado LOCAL STIMULUS PACKAGE Utah, Kids, Children, Overpopulation, LDS, Mormon, Salt Lake, Stimulus Package CITY IN A BOTTLE bottle, city. overpopulated, new york, island, sea, water, overpopulation